Master carton

The Shoe Master Carton The Master Carton or case pack for production shoes is usually a 10 or 12 pack depending on the size of the shoe and shoe inner box. In the master carton the inner boxes will be arranged so the warehouse worker […]

Bend Leather

Bend leather is the hardest, most valuable, and most massive part of a cowhide. Between one-fifth and one-third of an inch (5-8mm) thick, water and temperature resistant, and easy to work. It has been softened and stored in the tanning pits for at least 15-18 […]

Sales Rep

Sales Representative and Sub Rep: Selling shoes is a great way to get involved. The sales force is exposed to many aspects of the shoe trade. An active sales rep can help shape the product line. On the front line selling the shoes, the salesmen […]


Nubuck is top-grain cattle hide leather that has been sanded or buffed on the grain side, or outside, to give a slight nap of short protein fibers, producing a velvet-like surface


MTO or Made to Order or Make to Order Made to order or MTO is a special production run of shoes. The MTO shoes can be for a specific shoe store or an international distributor. Usually a special color or material treatment is required. The […]

Top-grain leather

Top-grain leather, (the most common type used in high-end leather products) is the second-highest quality. The “split” layer has been separated away, making it thinner and more pliable than full-grain. Its surface has been sanded, and a finish coat added to the surface which results […]