Are you interested in learning more about various stages of the shoemaking process? Perhaps you’d like to see inside bespoke shoe factories? If you want to start your own shoe brand and learn more about how shoes are made and what materials, equipment, and tools are used to make shoes, this is the place to start. We have assembled a list of our 10 favorite “go to” shoemaking blogs.
Visit these shoemaking blogs
James Ducker and Deborah Carré are British shoemakers who studied under John Lobb. Their footwear blog has lots of great pictures of the handmade shoemaking process, shoe school, and shoe tools.
The Shoemakers Academy – I wish this site and these design and development tools were around 20 years ago when I was new to the trade. Great practical information to read or purchase. Blog and books written by Wade Motawi and various veteran shoe dogs cover everything you need to succeed in the shoe business. Check out their books, How Shoes are Made, How To Start Your Own Shoe Company, and Shoe Material Design Guide.
Shoes and Craft
Run by Marcell Mrsan of the Koronya shoemaking company. Similar to Carréducker, but with more emphasis on the business side of things and with the added charm of broken English. Shoemaking videos and courses in Savannah, Georgia (USA).
Making Shoes
Online shoemaking blog with step by step tutorials on how to make your own shoes. YouTube channel with video tutorials, online shoemaking courses, great tips and free shoemaking guides.

Justin FitzPatrick, originally from Seattle, WA now a shoemaking blogger and business owner in the Soho area of London. See his blog The Shoe Snob Accessories and J.FitzPatrick Footwear range here. Shoe care videos and informative blog and boutique for shoes and accessories. and
First Pullover Footwear Blog
Footwear design blog and resource with many videos such as Aluminum Last Making, How to Make a Last, How a Football Boot is Made, Leather Tanning, Footwear Photoshop Rendering Tutorial, How to prepare rubber, Sketching Exercise, etc.
The Honourable Cordwainers’ Company (H.C.C.)
The Honourable Cordwainers’ Company (H.C.C.) is a non-profit 501c(3) educational organization, incorporated in 1987 in Virginia, the home of America’s first English shoemakers. Founded in 1984 by a small group of shoemakers and historians, the H.C.C. is dedicated to promoting the study, practice, interpretation, and preservation of historical and traditional shoemaking and allied trades. They provide a forum for the exchange of technical expertise, research, training and material needs.
Lord Point Shoe Blog
This is an interesting website with lots of dress shoe tips. Shoemaking walkthroughs, leather, shoe dissections. Shoe diagrams and drawings.
Old Leather Shoe
Glen Tippetts discusses all things related to men’s leather dress and business shoes in this blog. How to care for shoes, how to shop for shoes, shoe terminology, and more.
Nathalie Mornu Sandal Blog
Technically, she makes sandals. This shoemaking blog has lots of interesting information and is helpful if you are looking to source lasts.