Handmade Shoes for Men Book Review

Handmade Shoes for Men by Laszlo Vass & Magda Molnar
Hard Cover: 216 Pages Published 2015 What Amazon says: Handmade Shoes for Men elucidates the entire process of creating classic men’s shoes, while the detailed color photographs document every stage of production. It is a worthy introduction, for both the professional and the layman, to the wealth of tradition that is waiting to be discovered in the shoemaker’s workshop. What The Sneaker Factory Crew has to say: We really like this book. Handmade shoes for Men is a great read. The book is well written and we found it very interesting. Laszlo Vass and Magda Molnar have done a nice job detailing the process for making hand made shoes. This is the classical ART of shoe making not the heartless mass production of china. Laszlo Vass is a real shoe maker practicing the highest form of our art. From measuring feet, to lasts making, to leather tanning, shoe design, cutting, stitching, lasting and finishings this book has it all. If you are interested the art of Handmade shoes for Men then this is the book for you. We give this book 5 Stars. Now Available on AmazonAbout the Author
László Vass, born in Budapest in 1946, worked in the Hungarian fashion house of Magyar Divatintezet as a clicker, closer, shoemaker, and designer from 1964 until 1969. In 1970, having gained his professional shoemaking qualification, he joined a private workshop specializing in handmade shoes and ladies’ boots as assistant chief designer and shoemaker. In 1978, Vass founded his own workshop and opened a business in the centrt of Budapest. Since 1988, he and his 20 staff have concentrated on traditional shoemaking. Today, the exquisite quality of the shoes made by the firm of Vass has earned the workshop enormous respect throughout Europe.
- Hardcover: 216 pages
- Publisher: h.f.ullmann publishing (February 1, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 3848003686
- ISBN-13: 978-3848003686
- Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.8 x 10.2 inches