Shoe Design Books available on Amazon NOW!

Shoe Design Book Reviews: I’ve read a great many shoe design books, so I would like you to see what is out there and available. I have picked a selection of shoe trade books on shoe design, manufacturing, and engineering. Here is a list of […]

Shoe Logo Design - How to design shoes

Shoe Design: Logos for Shoes

Your new shoe design isn’t complete until you have detailed the logos. A beautiful set of logos will add value, give information to your customers, or be that unique and special twist. A great logo can provide the centerpiece for your shoe design. Adding logos […]

The Designers Guide to Shoe Material Suppliers

Shoe Material Suppliers A supply of high-quality shoe materials and subcomponents is key to great looking and long lasting shoes. Your shoe material suppliers will be your best partners as you design and develop your shoe lines.  A good relationship with your shoe material suppliers has many […]

shoe specification drawings

The Designers Shoe Specification Drawings

Footwear Design Tech Pack Once a new shoe design has been approved for development the shoe designer and developer will work together to create a detailed set of specification drawings or “tech pack” or  “specs”.   The shoe technical drawings may be done by the […]

This is a book about shoemaking

The Sneaker Factory OnLine Shoe School

Shoemaking Courses: Learn How to Make Shoes Shoe School Yes! You are in the right place. The Sneaker Factory offers options to suit your level. Self-paced online learning for free, supplemental books and shoemaking materials, live virtual classes, and private consulting with the Shoe Dog. Free […]

Footwear Sourcing agent

Finding Shoe Agents & Shoe Development Contracts

Shoe Agents: What to expect in a shoe development contract Question:  Do I really need a shoe sourcing agent to start my own shoe business?   If you are new to the shoe trades you are going to need some help!  The answer is YES! Question: What will it […]

Nike Air Jordan 1 Design Review: Shoe Edges

Shoe Construction Review: Material Edges No doubt Nike makes great shoes, but today we are going to take a critical look at the Nike Air Jordan 1.   Rather than review the styling from “Sneaker Freak” perspective or the performance of the shoe for actually playing basketball, […]

How to design shoes

How to Design Shoes

How to Design Shoes: Drawing Technique If you want to learn how to design shoes you must first learn the names of the basic shoe parts! Secondly,  You must learn how to draw shoes.  Drawing by hand or by computer is how you will detail and […]