List of Shoemaking Schools

Should I go to shoe school?

If you are asking yourself, “Should I go to shoe school?” The answer is -Yes!


Are you looking for in-person shoemaking classes or workshops near you? It can be hard to find a shoe school, but if you look hard, you can find one. We know of in-person classes and workshops in Portland, New York, Detroit, San Diego, Los Angeles, London, Italy, and Spain. 


While the USA-based shoe schools are more weekend or night courses, European schools such as the Astoria school tend to be full-term footwear certificate courses. 


More recently, we are benefiting from the stay-at-home effects of Covid-19, which has led to many opportunities for excellent online shoemaking programs.


We have pulled together a list of school schools focusing on shoemaking and shoe design. You will need to find a school that suits your study plan. The small programs focus on a particular shoemaking skill, such as boot making, footwear pattern making, or sneaker design workshops. 


USA Shoe Making Schools

Shoe Making Schools in Canada