Do I need to run a fitting trial for my new shoes? A shoe fitting trial or fit trial is a footwear brand’s process to confirm a new shoe fits correctly and feels good on the user’s feet. The goal of a fitting trial is to evaluate […]

Do I need to run a fitting trial for my new shoes? A shoe fitting trial or fit trial is a footwear brand’s process to confirm a new shoe fits correctly and feels good on the user’s feet. The goal of a fitting trial is to evaluate […]
The running shoe last is designed to create a lightweight, close-fitting, flexible shoe with enough heel lift for impact-absorbing cushioning. This last has a low medial sidewall that flares up to create extra toe space. This gives the shoe extra flexibility and helps hold the foot back into the […]
The shoe last is the starting point of every footwear design and has been called “the heart of the shoe.” The last is the center of the entire shoemaking process. The shoemaker starts with the last and builds the shoe outward. The shape of the […]
Available Now! Footwear Pattern Making and Last Design Hey Shoemakers! So many of you have been asking for information on shoe lasts and pattern making. This book is for you, enjoy! Footwear Pattern Making and Last Design is now available in softcover and PDF download. […]
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Footwear Lasts Shoe Last Function and Fashion The shoe last is the starting point of every shoe design and has been called “the heart of the shoe.” The last is the center of the entire shoemaking process, in […]
Shoe Patternmaking Book Reviews: I’ve read many books on shoe design and patternmaking, and I’d like to share my reviews of some currently available. Here is a selection of shoe trade books on patternmaking that you can find on Fashion Patternmaking Techniques for Accessories: […]
Shoe Designer vs. Shoe Pattern Maker What is the difference between a Shoe Designer and Shoe Pattern Maker? A shoe designer is responsible for all aspects of the shoe’s design. The designer must consider the styling, materials, colors, customers, price, trends, and product performance. The […]
The sneaker course: design, pattern making, and prototyping Starting in the summer of 2019, Arsutoria Shoemaking School is launching a new month-long course in sneaker design. The sneaker course: design, pattern making, and prototyping. This 4-week course is offered in Milan, Italy. You will also […]
Complete Shoe Paper Pattern & Outsole Blue Print You can buy a real shoe pattern! This pack contains the computer cut shoemaking pattern for the Arris classic jogger. This footwear pattern is cut from heavy paper stock and is just what you will find in […]