How Adidas Makes Shoes

¿Cuánto dinero cuesta, realmente, hacer un zapatilla?

Venga, ¿cuánto dinero cuesta, realmente, hacer una zapatilla? Seguramente Nike debe ganar mucho dinero con sus deportivas tan llamativas. ¿Por qué un par de zapatillas cuestan 100 dólares?, ¿cuál es el coste real de una zapatilla deportiva? Te explicamos cómo es en realidad el precio […]

How to Become a Shoe Designer: 10 Steps

One of the most often asked questions we get at Shoemakers Academy is “where do I start?” We meet so many aspiring shoe designers looking to learn, improve, and advance their skills in order to find gigs and careers in footwear design. You want to design shoes for […]

Shoemaking questions answered

Ask a Shoe Dog

Answers to all of your shoemaking questions! Thank you for visiting our shoemaking blog! started more than ten years ago with the mission to inform and educate shoemakers around the world. We strive to provide both basic and advanced shoemaking knowledge. Every day we receive shoemaking […]


鞋子是怎样制成的 : How Shoes Are Made

How Shoes Are Made Mandarin Translation by: 謝鎌光 David Hsieh 感谢我在美国、中国、香港、韩国、台湾和欧洲的所有工 作伙伴。 謝鎌光 David Hsieh 旅英台灣設計師,本科畢業於英國倫敦Cordesiners 鞋類 設計研發糸。 曾受訓於Jimmy Choo倫敦工作室,Adidas 德國設計部 門,也曾在義大利的班尼頓運動部門及英國的MURTOSA 任職了各三年半,百年品牌Clarks CEO 也特別邀請為資 深設計師。2008年至今在東莞的公司提供鞋類品牌孵化 顧問,培訓及設計服務。 鞋子是怎样制成的 : How Shoes Are Made 你想学习现代运动鞋是如何制作的吗? 在這本"鞋子是如何制作"的一書中,你会看到大品牌是如何進行鞋子的设计。這書決不是一个运动鞋工厂的导游参观而已,這本"鞋子是如何制作"的書将向您展示如何从最初的设计图纸,通过样品开发和现代运动鞋的制造來創造一双富有生命力的球鞋。Do you want to learn how modern athletic shoes are made? […]

Outsoles for Running shoes Shoe Material Types

Outsole Design For Footwear

The outsole design for a shoe plays a major factor in shoe performances. The outsoles for running shoes, biker boots, and football cleats all have very different performance requirements and manufacturing methods. The shoe outsole is also one of the most expensive parts of the […]

Shoe Designers Guide to Stitching Thread

The Designer’s Guide to Shoe Leather

What is the best shoe leather? There are many different types of shoe leather. Entire books have been written on the subject of leather and how it’s made but we are just going to cover the basics you should know for sports and casual footwear […]

Does Nike ethically produce shoes?

The short answer is “yes,” they do. The long answer is, it’s not easy. There is some irony to Nike’s ethical production issue, being that Nike takes all the heat from larger companies while they have one of the best records. In my personal experience […]