Can I 3D print a shoe last

How to 3D Print a Shoe Last

Learn How to 3D Print a Shoe Last: 4 easy steps #1. You will need a .STl or other CAD file to print a shoe last.  You can download our sneaker last file  Here  or you can search  Thingverse or you can check out CRABCAD. These are .stl files, […]

How shoes are made Stitching department

How big are shoe factories?

How big are shoe factories?  Shoe factories come in all shapes and sizes.   In the business when you’re talking about the size of the shoe factory you are talking  about how many lines are in a factory.   When you say lines, you mean […]

Tools every shoe designer will need

A Shoe Designer’s Tools

As a shoe designer or developer, you’re going to need some shoemaking tools to help you do your job. I have created a list of the common shoe designer tools that we use every day in our busy shoe design and development office.  Some of […]

custom made shoes

Can I get custom made shoes? Yes!

In the very recent past, custom-made shoes were only available to the very wealthy, and custom-made shoes were limited to handmade leather dress shoes. Frankly..boring!  Now, you can have almost any type of shoe custom-made.  What started 10 years ago as an experiment with a small […]

So what is inside your shoes?

What’s Inside Your Shoes? Shoe Reinforcements

What is inside your shoes? A quick lesson on shoe reinforcements All the hidden parts inside your shoes that you cannot see are critically important to the look and function of the shoe. The most common shoe reinforcements are the toe counter (or puff), vamp […]

How Shoes are Made: Reviews and Comments

Reviews and Comments At we work hard to bring you this website and blog. We encourage and appreciate your feedback and comments to help us make How Shoes are Made, How to Start Your Own Shoe Company, Shoe Material Design Guide, and our other products even […]

produce a pair of air Jordans

Drawing a Shoe Outsole Blue Print

Drawing a Shoe Outsole Blue Print: The shoe outsole blue print can be the most challenging element of the shoe to design.  A complicated outsole design can take weeks to design and months to model and  tool up.  The shoe outsole must fit the shoe […]