Hay que agradecer a Charles Goodyear por su perseverancia, ya que, después de años de experimentos, inventó el proceso de calentamiento del caucho natural mezclándolo con azufre en 1844. Decidió nom brar el proceso como vulcanizado, y es técnica que se emplea actualmente para fabricar la goma.

3D Knitting Design Specialist www.KINNODESIGN.comToday I want to introduce you to Mr. Jordi Montaner and his design firm KINNO DESIGN. Jordi is an expert in the design and production of 3D knitting technology for shoes, bags, clothing, and accessories. An industrial designer from Barcelona, Spain, […]

Shoe Designer vs. Shoe Pattern Maker What is the difference between a Shoe Designer and Shoe Pattern Maker? A shoe designer is responsible for all aspects of the shoe’s design. The designer must consider the styling, materials, colors, customers, price, trends, and product performance. The […]

Guía de diseño para material de calzado, pagina 140 Los materiales que se escojan para la zapatilla harán que tu diseño cobre vida. Piel de calidad, una malla brillante, o tejidos sintéticos de alta tecnología; existe una variedad infinita de opciones de materiales y colores […]

The footwear materials you select for your sneaker are what make your kicks come to life! You will find the design pattern is not the critical or special feature; the sneaker materials are. Learning how to specify sneaker materials is critical when you want to make […]

With the explosion of knit construction shoes in the footwear marketplace, it’s time to revisit the design and manufacturing issues of this growing footwear class. Pioneered by Nike™ as FlyKnit™ for high end running in 2014, knit shoe construction has now spread into basketball, soccer, […]

This internal memo is from the early days of Nike. While not exactly about shoe design, these are 10 Nike rules we as shoe designers can learn from and aspire to. The Nike motto of “Just Do It” is a great marketing slogan but for […]

Venga, ¿cuánto dinero cuesta, realmente, hacer una zapatilla? Seguramente Nike debe ganar mucho dinero con sus deportivas tan llamativas. ¿Por qué un par de zapatillas cuestan 100 dólares?, ¿cuál es el coste real de una zapatilla deportiva? Te explicamos cómo es en realidad el precio […]

One of the most often asked questions we get at Shoemakers Academy is “where do I start?” We meet so many aspiring shoe designers looking to learn, improve, and advance their skills in order to find gigs and careers in footwear design. You want to design shoes for […]