Shoe Production Price

How much does it cost to make a sneaker?

Come on, how much does it really cost to make a pair of sneakers? Nike must be making big bucks on those flashy sneakers. Why does it cost $100.00 to buy a shoe? What’s the actual cost of a sneaker?Here is how shoe pricing really works. […]

The sneaker course: design, pattern making, and prototyping

The sneaker course: design, pattern making, and prototyping Starting in the summer of 2019, Arsutoria Shoemaking School is launching a new month-long course in sneaker design. The sneaker course: design, pattern making, and prototyping. This 4-week course is offered in Milan, Italy. You will also […]

The Arsutoria Shoemaking Workshop in Los Angeles

Learn To Make Shoes
 Classic Sneaker Build Class When: Saturday September 21st & Sunday September 22nd
  10:00am – 4:00pmWhere: The Gavica Studio   
5277 Alhambra Ave Los Angeles CA Your instructors will be Professional Sneaker Customizer
 Erik Gavica and Wade “The Shoe Dog” Motawi.
We will […]