shoe cuttings die

How to Make Shoe Cutting Dies

Making cuttinges for shoes Mass production of footwear requires cutting every type of shoe material. Shoe leather, fabric, foam, and reinforcing materials must all be cut into the shoe pattern shapes. While there are many new technologies for cutting shoe materials such as a laser, […]

anatomy of a running shoe

Shoe Parts Diagram

The Anatomy of a shoe: What parts make up the sneaker? Every student of shoe design should know the correct names for shoe parts.Here is a shoe parts diagram showing you the standard names for shoe parts. What is an eyestay, outsole, or vamp? Here is […]

running shoe last, dress shoe last

How to Start a Shoe Business Without Money

It is not an easy task to start a shoe business. You will need lots of determination and energy. Will you need lots of money? Not necessarily. Start a shoe business You can start a shoe company without much money. A successful brand will need a unique feature […]