Finding the right shoemaking course for YOU is challenging. Attending an in-person footwear course may not be possible if you are a working professional or a student living at home. Also, the cost of in-person footwear training programs may be prohibitively expensive. Check Out Online […]

Course Now Open for Enrollment Learn the shortcuts and troubleshooting skills you need to level up your product development, design, and communication skills! Adobe Photoshop is a powerful and essential tool for shoemakers but can be complex and daunting. This course walks beginner and intermediate […]

Footwear Fitting and Comfort: online course now open for enrollment! Making shoes that fit comfortably and are correctly suited to their function is critical to the success of your shoe brand. This video course takes you step-by-step through the essential footwear fit development process—indispensable knowledge […]

Online Courses Available Now! Exciting news! Welcome to Shoemakers Academy. We are excited to offer a curriculum of online shoemaking courses for individuals or businesses. Level up your shoemaking skills wherever and whenever you want. It has never been easier to get the guidance and […]

Free Shoemaking Resources SELF-PACED online learning for FREE: Scroll down to see “Unit 1: Learning the Basics of Shoemaking,” and start now. HANDS-ON learning with our SHOEMAKING TEXTBOOKS: Softcover and PDF Ebook textbooks for all levels plus shoemaking lasts, outsoles, and other hard-to-find materials. Visit […]