Poor-quality shoes will kill your brand and your business. This course is for footwear designers, product developers, product managers, and anyone responsible for product quality.Learn the inspection skills that are critical to making high-quality footwear.
Demand Top Quality Production Knowing what high quality looks like and pushing your suppliers to get there is the only way to ensure your shoes are the best they can be. Shoe factories will deliver just what you accept, so it’s your job to accept only the best. Wade Motawi, “The Shoe Dog,” has personally inspected thousands of shoes, and in this course, he will share with you the time-tested inspection techniques professionals use.
11 In-depth Quality Control and Footwear Inspection lessons.
Over 2 hours of video instruction with “The Shoe Dog” Wade Motawi.
Learn footwear quality Inspection techniques from a 25-year veteran.
This course is now included in the All Access Pass! 180 lessons, over 60 hours of on-demand video instruction for shoe designers, developers, and footwear start-ups. Fast-track your footwear career today! Learn more: Shoemakers Academy All Access Pass.